Monday 14 April 2014

Computerized Telephone Exchange

                    Computerized Telephone Exchange (1971)

Hoover advances TeleCommunication

when telephone communication systems were first invented and few people actually owned a telephone with number buttons. Telephone calls would be connected via a human operator. you would lift a receiver, the seitchboard operator would ask you for the number you wished to call, and he or she would plug a wire into the requite part of the board to have you connected.

however, as telephone became more popular, it became increasingly impractical to have humans connecting the calls by hand and so electromechanical switchboards were invented. soon communications companies found that even this was not enough there was so much telephonic traffic to deal with that they started to overload and seize up.

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I'm Padmanabha.I'm Gamer and blogger. I like to make a lot of jokes.but I'm bit a moody type. I am a bit angry person so i will suddenly become angry. So if you talk with me next time be carefull!!!.....Haaa....haaa..... Oh Yes Almost Forgot To Tell You This Blog Was Made For My Audience That Is YOU.


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