Monday 14 April 2014

Optical Camouflage

                               Optical Camouflage(2002)

 Tachi Creates A see-Through Coat

Thanks to japanese research, the twenty-first century soldier may soon be blending invisible into the background. the man behind optical camouflage Susumu Tachi is professor at tokyo University, where he works on the "Science And Technology of artficial reality". ironically, since he now works to make things invisible,tachi previously developed a robotic guide dog for blind
the Optical Camouflage developed by tachi and his research team works by filming the background environment and projecting it into coat worn by the test subject.However,this is no average coat it is covered in thousands of tiny beads that reflect light back to its source, therefore rendering the coat invisible. this is the teory, but in reality the system is still far from perfect and in great need of cutting back on the volume of equipment required.

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I'm Padmanabha.I'm Gamer and blogger. I like to make a lot of jokes.but I'm bit a moody type. I am a bit angry person so i will suddenly become angry. So if you talk with me next time be carefull!!!.....Haaa....haaa..... Oh Yes Almost Forgot To Tell You This Blog Was Made For My Audience That Is YOU.


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